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In part two of our conversation with Serena Gonsalves-Fersch, Global Head of Talent at SoftwareOne, we explore how to keep the human at the heart of learning in an increasingly AI-focused world.
In part two of our conversation with Serena Gonsalves-Fersch, Global Head of Talent at SoftwareOne, we explore how to keep the human at the heart of learning in an increasingly AI-focused world.
Serena, Josh, and Kate discuss the impact of AI on job roles, the importance of putting both individuals and businesses at the center of learning strategies, and the need for L&D to move beyond content creation. Serena explores how L&D professionals can stay relevant by focusing on developing essential human skills and reframing their role in organisations.
This episode offers a refreshing perspective on analytics and impact in L&D, emphasising the importance of focusing on end goals rather than getting caught up in metrics. Serena also shares her excitement about the potential of predictive learning and AI in shaping future workforce development strategies.
For L&D professionals looking to navigate the rapidly changing world of work and technology, this episode provides valuable insights on adapting, thriving, and redefining the role of learning in organisations. It's a must-listen for anyone interested in the future of workplace learning and development in an AI-driven world.
In part two of our conversation with Serena Gonsalves-Fersch, Global Head of Talent at SoftwareOne, we explore how to keep the human at the heart of learning in an increasingly AI-focused world.
Sponge bietet die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse und Einblicke aus der LearnTec 2024. Von AI über Adaptive Learning bis hin zu LMS – die Palette der diskutierten "hot topics" war breit gefächert, und auch Sponge hat zu diesen Themen interessante Neuigkeiten zu berichten.
In diesem Jahr feiern wir unser 20-jähriges Bestehen und präsentieren Ihnen zur Feier ein breites Portfolio an neuen Angeboten.
Unser Webinar zu LkSG. Wir teilen bewährte Strategien und praktische Tipps, um Ihr Unternehmen auf Erfolgskurs zu bringen.