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Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership Series How to develop a learning culture

Today's employees value a workplace that offers scope for future development and career progression. Providing this begins with creating a successful learning culture.

Thought Leadership Series The three ‘Cs’ of using illustrated characters

As a framework to explore the use of illustrated characters within elearning, we will be considering the three Cs; connection, creativity and customisation. It’s aimed at being a handy guide if you are trying to decide whether illustrated characters are the way to go for your elearning solution.

Thought Leadership Series When to use game elearning

When to use game elearning In our recent webinar, Behind the Scenes of Creating Game eLearning, we asked delegates to think of a business challenge that could…

Thought Leadership Series Considering Good Simulation Design

Considering Good Simulation Design The provision of meaningful interactive courseware is one of the main challenges that face providers of elearning. Creating…

Thought Leadership Series Culture Club

Culture Club Cultural innovation is the new kid on the block. According to some commentators having the right business culture is the key to success and…

Thought Leadership Series Tackling skill shortages

Tackling skill shortages We may look back on 2014 and reflect it was the moment the long threatened skills shortage started to really bite. The latest industry…

Thought Leadership Series How to use game juice in elearning?

How to use game juice in elearning? Never heard of game juice? You are not alone. It’s a term used within the game development industry to define the extra…