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Home / Resources / Augmented Reality, “blank canvas creators”, and experiential learning at Snap Inc.

Augmented Reality, “blank canvas creators”, and experiential learning at Snap Inc.


In the first episode of The Unforgettable Learning Podcast, we catch up with Stacey Long-Genovese, Global Head of Education, Learning, and Training at Snap Inc, to discuss all things augmented reality and human-centered design.

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AR, “blank canvas creators”, and experiential learning at Snap Inc, with Stacey Long-Genovese.

Throughout a winding career path in training, Stacey Long-Genovese has found the common theme has been empowering people. At Snap Inc, where she’s Global Head of Education, Learning and Training, her mission is to build a world with more AR developers – and she’s pioneering the use of immersive tech to do it.

Stacey shares with us her passion for the possibilities that experiential and immersive learning solutions can bring us, asking us to imagine learning about astronomy where the stars fill the room, or geometry where we pull the corners of triangles to visually experience concepts that were once on paper.

This is what AR allows us to do and – for those who can navigate its unique combination of design, storytelling, computer science… and the rest – it’s opening up entirely new ways to learn at work.

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