From Skill Pill to
Skill Pills, by Sponge.
Did you know that Skill Pill is now part of the Sponge group? We’re still offering the great microlearning content that you know us for, and now we’re part of a much wider service offering.
Speak to the Skill Pill team to see how Skill Pills can work for your organisation. Let's talk microlearning.
Skill Pill joins the Sponge group.
During the autumn of 2020 Skill Pill joined Sponge, a pioneer in digital learning content and technology, well-known in the industry for market-leading content production.
Skill Pills by Sponge.
As the skills marketplace goes from concept to reality in Human Capital Management, upskilling and reskilling has become synonymous with workplace learning. Sponge’s answer? Skill Pills: a content library of 400+ upskilling modules. Discover how Sponge can serve your skills building needs to enhance learning in your organisation.
Microlearning for high-demand skills.
In our busy working lives, we rarely get the opportunity to set aside time for professional development. That’s where Skill Pills come in. Using self-directed learning pathways created for your organisation, your learners can channel their energy into upskiling in the moment of need.
Explore how Skill Pills can work for your organisation.
Our Learning Experience Consultants can work with you to deep-dive into your current skill gaps and curate a tailored collection of courses to close those gaps. Let’s talk microlearning.